We offer guaranteed employment in Malta, Portugal, Poland, and Germany.


We can assist you in resolving any career-related confusion you may be experiencing. We ask you questions after we meet you and your family to better understand your goals, preferences, and constraints. This will enable us to recommend a variety of places based on your interests and regions of interest. We'll assist you in deciding between them and reducing the list to the ideal choices of safe, reasonable, and ambitious solutions with further conversations. We'll simplify the process of working for you in Malta.

D VISA'S (Long Stay National Visa) BENEFITS

Since it was issued by a Schengen nation, this visa is regarded as a national visa. An individual can travel with this visa within five days from a non-Schengen visa country to a Schengen area state that has issued a national visa. Those who reside and work in Schengen nations are eligible for this kind of visa.

Regulation 265/2010 allows anyone with a valid travel document and a national visa (D visa) to travel freely within the Schengen region for up to three months out of every six-month period.

Initial Records Needed for Evaluation

👉Passport Copy First and Last Page
👉2 Passport Size Photos
👉10th/12th Mark sheet (Bachelor/Master if Eligible)
👉Work Experience Certificates
👉Salary slips ( Optional )
👉Updated Resume

Documentation needed to apply for a Schengen D visa

👉Original passport with three blank pages and a minimum validity of six months, plus any previous passports, if any, along with the visa application form
👉six-month bank statement
👉Documents of Education
👉Documents of Experience
👉One passport-sized photo, with 80% of the face hidden on a white backdrop.
👉Proof of Work in a Schengen Country: A letter from the employer detailing the applicant's position, length of employment, pay, and Schengen residence
👉The Schengen Country Department of Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs issued the employment confirmation.
👉The Work Permit Letter shall be issued within 60 days of the date of issuance by the Schengen Country Authorities. They are not eligible to apply if the letter is older than sixty days, and the employer should ask the Schengen Country Authorities for a new letter.

The list of designations that are used in Europe is as follows.

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Examining TRC in Europe: Portugal

Portugal's temporary residency permits:

Permit-required temporary residence Employment: Portugal eases up on and gives preference to workers looking for employment under the most prevalent regulations imposed on both domestic and foreign employees.

Employees who arrive in Portugal with residency visas "may apply for a residence permit by completing the necessary paperwork."

When someone enters Portugal without a valid resident visa—also known as a Schengen visa—from another Schengen state, they are eligible to apply for a residency permit by submitting the necessary paperwork.

Temporary residence permit for self-employment (business): SEF issued a residence permit as an independent residency title to enable the commencement of commercial (business) and self-employment (freelance) operations.

Self-employed people enter Portugal with a "can request for residency" visa after submitting the required paperwork.

Anyone who wants to launch a business in Portugal but needs a visa for entry (short stay) or another type of visa can apply for a residency permit by "following the documents list."

Students wishing to study in Portugal are eligible for temporary residence permits. The SEF is in charge of issuing residence titles for the purposes listed below.

Under Article 91, students pursuing higher education may apply for a resident visa by "following the documents."

Under Article 91-A, mobility students in higher education may apply for a residency permit by "following the documents."

Under Article 91-C, researchers with mobility may apply for a residency permit by "following the documents."

Students enrolled in secondary schools and professional programs who are currently in Portugal may apply for a residency permit under Article 92 A by completing the necessary paperwork.

Under Article 93," trainees may apply for a residency permit by submitting the required paperwork.

Under Article 94, volunteers may apply for a residency visa by "following the documents."

Permits for temporary residency in order to reunite with family: Residence permits are issued as follows for spouses, kids, parents, and other dependent family members under the family reunification program.

Upon entering Portugal with a type D-6 visa, the dependent family may apply under Article 98.1" for a residence permit by providing the necessary documentation.

As to the reports, the dependent family who is currently in Portugal via a different type of visa or passport may apply for a resident permit under Article 98.2.

Temporary residence visa for teaching professions: By completing the necessary paperwork, applicants who wish to practice their profession as teachers in educational or vocational institutions or research centers may apply for a residence permit under Article 90.

Temporary residence visa for highly qualified occupation: If an individual wants to work in Portugal as a highly qualified worker, they can apply under Article 90 for a resident permit, provided they can be hired as a highly skilled worker.after the docs.

Temporary residency permit for the promotion of culture: Individuals who want to work in Portugal for cultural purposes may apply for a residency visa under Article 90, provided that they are in contact with an employer who offers services that are consistent with their artistic endeavors.after the docs.

Temporary residence permit for tech visa program: this type of residence is specifically designed for professionals with specialized training in information technology and is further certified by approved Portuguese companies.after the docs.

Temporary residence permit for employees of European companies: workers and deployed individuals request residency under Article 123-A "Following the documents," while applicants for administrators or employees of enterprises established in the state of the European economic area apply.

Temporary residency permits for ICT and transferred workers: Workers of ICT companies who moved within the company can request a residence under Article127-B Following the documents.

Temporary residency permits for mobility workers in Europe: Employees who are hosted by an entity or company established in the country may apply for a residence permit under Article 124-E "Following the documents" if they are transferred as part of a long-term transfer within the company and hold an intracorporate permit, which is a residence permit issued by another Member State of the European Union.

FAQ Portugal's Temporary Residence Permit (TRC)